Yucca Summer Afterschool Program

 SUMMER 2021


Session 2: June 29 - July 23

closed July 5th

Monday - Friday

12PM - 3PM

The Club is excited to provide youth with after-school programming to students enrolled in summer school at Palmdale Learning Plaza.

Trained Staff

All Boys & Girls Club of Antelope Valley's program staff have passed a para-professional test ensuring that they possess the knowledge to assist your child with their school work. 

Social Emotional Focus

While the Club focus' on academic enrichment programs, there is a strong focus on social emotional learning as well. Youth will learn how to manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, establish and maintain positive relationships and make responsible decisions.

 No Cost To Families

Yucca's Summer After-School Club is FREE through the After School Education and Safety (ASES) grant. 


About PLP Summer 2021 After-School Club

This program is limited only to students who are enrolled in Summer School at Palmdale Learning Plaza, for the July (second) session.

The afterschool program will be held at Palmdale Learning Plaza for all students enrolled in summer school at this location. Students attending the Club afterschool will need to be picked up from Palmdale Learning Plaza at 3pm. Transportation will not be provided. All members must be picked-up from PLP by 3pm.

Summer After-School Club gives children access to wonderful programs, caring staff and a fun, safe environment. At the Club kids will:


  • Exercise and participate in Sports and Recreation activities
  • Create their own masterpieces through Arts & Crafts
  • Beat School Break Brain Drain through Fun and Educational Enrichment Activities


Additional program details and policies can be found by visiting the Parent Resources page under Registration. 

Para obtener información o asistencia de registro en Español, comuníquese con Carmen Morales al 661-917-1077.

Register/ Registrarse Club COVID-19 Policies & Liability Agreement Summer Guide 2021

The Club is Committed to Keeping Out of School Time Affordable for Families. Thank you to our community partners who helped make this initial distance learning program available at a lesser rate!

Please continue to support these businesses and organizations to help keep costs affordable. 
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